Short Stories

In fiction Krause looks for those ironies that provide a twist that will make events worth recounting. Sometimes he knows the conclusion, and so he can maximize the tension beforehand. His collection of thirty stories titled Studies in Insignificance was published by Livingston Press; eighteen had been published in literary magazines. A second collection of twenty-three stories called The Horror of the Ordinary has been published by Unsolicited Press.  Fifteen of those stories appeared in magazines. Since 2016 his stories have appeared in magazines in London, Japan, Toronto, Ireland, England, Nigeria, New Zealand, and the United States. 

He also has an additional collection of thirty-one unpublished stories titled Crawl Space & Other Stories of Limited Maneuverability, and an unpublished collection of forty-one flash fictions titled Glimpses of the Underside

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The Untold Story of the Awaji Puppet Master

The Horror of the Ordinary

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Another Zoo Story
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The Splinter

The Horror of the Ordinary (